You Are Not an Idiot

Saluton! Are you an idiot? If not, you might enjoy this website. Here I talk about all forms of human communication including natural languages, conlangs, sign languages, English reforms and much more!

Some of my favourite languages!
Some of my least favourite languages
A language I'm making

I've been making a language recently that has two main purposes: make a heck ton of words to describe emotions that are uncommon and make it the most beautiful thing ever. I haven't finished too much of the language but here's an example of a word to show you what it's going to be like: enfenulu - having a dream about being stuck in an infinitely long public restroom. Yeah, it's going to be a... weird language.

Some sounds I absolutely hate and some that I like

Really any labiodental sounds like 'f' or 'v'. I don't really know why, they just are kinda awkward to make and they sound kind of harsh. Another sound is the rolled 'r'. You probably can guess why I don't like this, my first language is English and it's very hard for me to roll my r's. Now there are some sounds I actually like, for example 'y' in "yolk" sound. I don't really know why I like it so much, I guess it's just comforting for me for whatever reason. But a sound that I like more is the 's' in "measure" sound. I literally LOVE that sound. Now, I have one that I love even more... the 'ñ' sound in "piñata". I think everybody kind of likes that sound, but I seem to gravitate towards it.